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Who we are…

Kidzbookhub.com is an online early literacy site curated by a team of experienced educators and publishers. It draws on the combined experience of over 70 years of teaching literacy and publishing literacy resources.
The site allows users to access some of the best authors and illustrators of literacy materials in the world today.
The creative team at kidzbookhub.com is led by Bob Andersen, a Melbourne based publisher, and he is supported by a team of authors, illustrators, editors, designers and technical advisors.
Kidzbookhub.com is the web site of Wellington (Aust) Pty Ltd with its head office in Melbourne Australia.

Independent Reading

KIDZ BOOK HUB has been developed to support independent reading of online texts, both at home and in the classroom. As part of a classroom teacher’s Independent reading program students are taught how to self-select texts that they would like to read.

Independent reading is the key to academic success

Parents and teachers instinctively know what the research tells us, that is, that there is a strong link between reading and academic success; students who read a lot do better academically than those who do not read.
“Students who independently become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than those who do not” (Cullinan, 2000).
Cullinan, B.E. (2000). Independent reading and school achievement. New York: American Library Association.

Independent reading involves

  • Self selecting books
    • identify personal interests/needs
    • identify ‘just right’ books
    • collect texts in an accessible book box
    • YouTube video of girls using KBH
  • Engaging with these books in ways that support learning

Curriculum links

KIDZ BOOK HUB supports readers in all aspects of the ANC in English with very strong links to particular series and texts.